5 reasons to use Plume to teach writing

September 1, 2023

Plume is a writing app designed to help children between second and fifth grade develop their writing skills. According to Maria Montessori, it is crucial to focus on writing between the ages of 8 and 12, as this is the best age to develop language skills. It is particularly important to teach writing skills in later elementary, when children are often reading independently and can concentrate on their writing development.

1. Writing activities are diverse, fun, and motivating

Plume offers a range of activities to meet the needs of all teachers, including a library of stories for co-writing, free writing, writing challenges, a word of the day, and a dojo. Writing can be done alone, in groups, or as a whole class.

Stories to co-write

Plume offers access to a wide selection of stories to be co-written. Students choose the story they want to work on from more than 50 original or classic stories, each with seven chapters. To complete the story, students answer a writing mission at the end of each chapter. Once the story is finished, teachers can print the PDF of the written story or order the physical book! The printed book is a real incentive for the student.

Stories can also be printed to teach writing production by alternating handwriting and online writing.

Free writing

With practice, scaffolding, and motivation, even the most hesitant writers can be encouraged to write. Plume helps students write their stories by providing advice, prompts, and more. Students choose the literary genre that interests them and can write their stories with complete freedom! This space is perfect for teaching writing production in a specific literary genre.


In this space, students will find more than 300 educational mini-games around the lexical field, punctuation, and more to develop their skills in a playful way. Their progress is represented by belts, which indicate the level of difficulty. This is a fun and engaging way to teach writing.

Word of the day

In this space, a new word is suggested to the student every day, and they can write freely around this word. In addition to enriching their vocabulary, the word of the day encourages a daily writing routine.

Writing challenges

Every month, new challenges are offered to unleash the creativity of your students. These are original missions to get your students writing. Contests are also frequently organized, with prizes and surprises at the end!

2. Innovative features enhance the student experience

We are always looking for ways to improve functionality and provide the best for teachers and students. Our innovative features include bird's helpers for students who get stuck in writing, definitions of complicated words, text-to-speech functionality, adjustable font sizes, and dyslexic fonts. Students can also use the "Improve my text" feature to self-correct and earn badges to track their progress.

Our goal is to help students develop their writing skills while having fun.

3. The teacher can monitor student progress, provide feedback, and make corrections directly in the system.

With Plume, teaching writing can be fun!

Manage: On your Plume teacher account, you have access to a dashboard where you can create classes or groups and track your students' progress. You can also define the worlds or stories to which your students have access. For example, if you teach writing to fourth graders, you can limit their access to stories in the "The Lost Cottage" and "Mysterious Island" worlds, which are best suited to their level. Additionally, you have access to many resources.

Correct: You can request changes, make corrections, add comments, and validate skills.

Explore: You can access a student's view of Plume with all activity areas, allowing you to explore stories, challenges, etc.

Best of all, the Discovery Offer is free!

If you want to try using Plume to teach writing, you can do so for free with the Discovery Offer. This will allow you to explore the different writing spaces with your students, browse our catalog, and confirm the three reasons mentioned above.

Join our pilot program

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